Das SFKP e Journals Art Education 25 ist im November 2023 erschienen. Es handelt von Erfahrungen der sobat sobat in der Kunstvermittlung. Mit Beiträgen von: @Shirin Graf, Jonathan Hohmann, Như Ý Linda Nguyễn, Niki Vetter, Mohini Gupte, Baharak Omidfard, Aurélie Strohmaier, Isabell Baldermann, Desirée Donají Hieronimus, Thesea Rigou Efstathopoulos, Jelena Toopeekoff, Mirl Redmann und Gürsoy Doğtaş. Herausgegeben von Ayşe Güleç und mir.
Category Archives: The Art Educator’s Talk
Features, Kunsthalle Bern
Mit den Features startet die Kunsthalle Bern eine neue Vermittlungsreihe. Kunstvermittler:innen sind für ein halbes Jahr in der Kunsthalle zu Gast und reagieren von ihrem Kontext aus auf die ausgestellte Kunst oder die Kunsthalle Bern als Ort und Institution. Es entsteht ein Austausch, der Verschiebungen, Erweiterungen und Öffnungen ermöglicht. Für das erste Feature wurde ich eingeladen und realisiere einen The Art Educator’s Talk LIVE gemeinsam mit Carol Baumgartner, Beate Florenz, Annemarie Hahn und … Dir? Das Gespräch dreht sich um das Zeigen und Produzieren von Kitsch und Klischees in der Kunstvermittlung und fragt: Sind Ergebnisse gestalterischen Handelns im Kontext der Kunstvermittlung, die von Prozessskizzen bis hin zu angeleiteten Produkten reichen, Kitsch, Handwerk oder “Kühlschrankkunst”?
Das Gespräch ist öffentlich und kostenlos.
Q: Which books are important for your work – and why?
..is a question from the interview in The Art Educator`s Talk, which I regularly ask. Some time ago, I was asked by a colleague the same question and I compiled a list of books that I would recommend in workshops or seminars on art education. The list, even though it was created almost a year ago, is still up to date – on the one hand. And on the other, I can think of so many titles that I have rediscovered during this time between compiling the list and today – above all the wonderful little booklet “Teaching for people who prefer not to teach“. Is this a final list of recommended literature? Certainly not. Maybe you can add to it? Nevertheless, I believe that it contains useful titles for not to teach to such an extent. See for yourself- and have fun with browsing!
Kassel and Berne, January 2018. Continue reading
The Art Educator’s Talk LIVE #3 (analog set): Bergen, Sept. 25
The Art Educator’s Talk LIVE #3 (analog set)
time: Sunday, September 25th 7-9 pm
location: røde rommet, meeting room, Marken 37, Glassbygget, Bergen, Norway
guests/hosts/speakers: Jenny Moore, Anne Skaansar, Nora Sternfeld
organized by/in conversation with: Kristin Klein, Gila Kolb, Konstanze Schütze & agency art education
What is your understanding of art education? What is the relationship between education and art? Why educate people about (contemporary) art? If you imagine the future, what is it going to be for art education? What are you currently working on?
These are only a few questions we’d like to discuss with Anne Skaansar (KHIB Bergen), Nora Sternfeld (Aalto University, forethought), Jenny Moore (the Partisan café), Konstanze Schütze (agency art education, store contemporary/Berlin & Dresden), Kristin Klein (University of Cologne) and Gila Kolb (The Art Educator’s Talk, University of Cologne).
The Art Educator’s Talk is a trilingual blog and a series of talks that reaches out to art educators who are looking for inspiration or exchange, like-minded people, students who want to learn about the profession, academics, artists and curators who want to know more about art education and you. We engage in conversations with art educators about their practice, favorite formats, pressing questions, underlying or developing theories and visions for a future art education. You can find interviews with other professionals of the field online here: https://arteducatorstalk.net/en/about/
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Herzliche Einladung zum The Art Educator’s Talk – LIVE #2 (analog set)
@Tokonoma, Sonntag, 10. Juli 2016, 19 Uhr //Frankfurter Straße 58, Kassel
Was verstehst Du unter Kunstvermittlung? Warum zeitgenössische Kunst und Kultur vermitteln? In welchem Verhältnis siehst Du die Praxis des Kuratierens und der Vermittlung? Wie stellst Du Dir die Zukunft der Kunstvermittlung vor? Woran arbeitest Du gerade?
Mit diesen und vielen weiteren Fragen gehen wir kurz vor dem EM-Endspiel in die zweite Diskussionsrunde! Wir sprechen dieses Mal mit Barbara Mahlknecht (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien), Ayşe Güleç (Kulturzentrum Schlachthof, Kassel) und Cynthia Krell (The Art Educator’s Talk) sowie Gila Kolb (The Art Educator’s Talk). Wir freuen uns auf Euer Kommen und eine anregende Diskussion.»The Art Educator’s Talk« (https://arteducatorstalk.net) möchte damit KunstvermittlerInnen erreichen, die Inspiration, Gleichgesinnte oder Austausch suchen, Studierende, die sich über den Beruf informieren wollen, KünstlerInnen und KuratorInnen, die mehr über Kunstvermittlung wissen wollen, WissenschaftlerInnen und Dich. Wir diskutieren mit KunstvermittlerInnen über ihre Praxis, Formate, Fragen, Theoriebildung und Visionen. Continue reading
The Art Educator’s Talk –LIVE #1 (analog set), May 3rd, Kassel
The Art Educator’s Talk – LIVE #1 (analog set)
Tokonoma, Tuesday May 3rd 8pm // Frankfurter Straße 58, 34117 Kassel
How would you describe your understanding of art education? In which context are you working as an art educator? Why mediate (contemporary) art? How important is art education and mediation for a museum / an institution? How do you cow conceive a public program for a biennial?
These are only a few questions we’d like to discuss with María Acaso (Pédagogias Invisibles, Madrid), Konstanze Schütze (agency art education, store contemporary, Berlin & Dresden), Jordi Ferreiro (MACBA Barcelona) and Gila Kolb (The Art Educator’s Talk) and maybe some special guests. The Art Educator’s Talk is a trilingual blog on art education. With this live-talk, we would like to address art educators who are looking for inspiration and exchange between colleagues, students who are interested in getting more information about the profession of an art lecturer, artists and curators who want to learn more about mediating art, academics and YOU.
The talk will be held in english language.
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