Tag Archives: Space

The notion of a shift: e.g. Madrid. 3: spaces

During our visit in Madrid, we went to see cultural spaces, such as the Prado Media lab – Javier Laporta was so kind to show us around. This Media Lab is a space for the public. Therefore, the Public is not considered as such, but as “users”. In the basement, there is a fablab, the ground floor provides space to meet, work & exhibit, at second floor is an auditorium to be found- together with three spaces for residencies. (Which I wonder who´s going to be there for the next year…) There are a lot of groups meeting and developing ideas within the space. The only condition is, that the projects have to have some kind of common interest. I don´t know if they´d like to hear it, but from my view, it is like a huge laboratory for art education. (And: Don´t miss the staircase!)
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